Specialist for Stress Management
Learning content
Together with us, you will learn which bio-chemical processes have been taking place in your body since prehistoric times, which hormone cocktails are at work in you and why exactly this stress process is becoming a health risk today.
Remember, you are the key to successful stress management. That’s why we train your awareness of your physical warning signals together. We question your world view in terms of salutogenesis, we focus on your inner drivers and we practise how you can recognise and influence your stress process at an early stage.
The great strength of seemingly never-stressed people is that they can quickly bounce back to their old form. We will build this ability and resilience in you too using a model that has been tried and tested for years. You will scrutinise your attitude and look at your life with different eyes.
Through a combination of understanding, acceptance, mindfulness and resilience, you will learn to react to your individual stimuli in the way you consciously want to. Act responsibly, self-determinedly and consciously.
In a professional context in particular, a common cause of stress is insufficient organisation of tasks. You will therefore be given models to help you prioritise and organise.
This interactive course goes from the very big to the very small. We start with the basics so that you can take part without any previous knowledge. The modules build on each other so that you gradually become a sought-after expert in stress management. Both the questions and the content become increasingly challenging.